Opinions on food, fashion, and anything else that catches my fancy...

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Hello 2010...

The first 3 days of 2010 passed by in a blur.  Most of the time was spent lounging around at home and reading - just finished another masterpiece by Wilbur Smith, "Assegai".  Ok, the ending is kinda lame, but I enjoyed it anyway.

I don't know why but I've been very bad tempered and impatient as 2010 approaches.  Maybe I am afraid to face what 2010 has in store for me?

This year's greatest wish for me would be to get the keys to my house.  Can't wait to have my own kitchen where I can start to cook and make use of all the cookbooks I've got.  I'm no Nigella Lawson but I just love to cook, even if it's just to cook for myself.  Whoever tells you that it is difficult to cook for one - they are wrong!

I have always cooked for myself, and I kind of enjoy it as I can be as sinful as I want; adding all the butter and mayonnaise in copious amounts, or I can be as simple as I want and just have a simple salad.

Now that I've wrote my wish down for 2010, I'm starting to feel excited about it!

I seriously wonder if anyone ever read this blog, but here's a Happy 2010 to anyone who happens to read this! :)
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