Opinions on food, fashion, and anything else that catches my fancy...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What should I do to...

nay sayers?

Yup, more people think I should not get a car.  The easy thing to do, is not to  offer them a ride in my new car ever!

The hard part is overcoming it and be forgiving and generous to these people, which is what I should do to be a follower of Christ.

This afternoon, I came across this verse:

"But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a person."

Matthew 15:18

These people have no idea that they have hurt me with the things that they have said.  And I shall learn not to be like them and say things that will hurt other people.  This is also why I am very sensitive to what is being said about me. 

Even before I came to know Christ, I always believe that there is no smoke without fire.  So some people will say that they meant what they say as a joke, but I don't think so.  It simply means that you think unkindly of me, and that is why you "joke" about it to put it across to me "nicely".

I wonder how would these people feel if I also "joke" about them unkindly, and then say: "oh, it's just a joke mah...I don't mean it."

I learnt another meaningful thing from Father Stephen Yim today.  He said that people are not interested in what you know until they know you care.  Which again struck a chord in my heart.

I think all these angst these past few weeks regarding the car has a purpose.  It has made me realise how words can really hurt.  I hope God can give me the grace to be slow to anger and be more loving and generous towards other people.

I hope to close this chapter soon, and just get on with life.

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